Sunday, September 7, 2008


Pakistan also known as “Fort Of Islam” has once again succeeded in keeping the tradition of “Giving Unexpected & Strange Decisions” alive. The scholars of Islam have given fatwa in which Islamic banking and Islamic TV channels have been declared Haram or illegal [in Islam].

On one side some scholars are part of governing bodies of Islamic Banks and on the other side some scholars have declared it as Haram. To whom we follow in this regard, is getting difficult for us.

Regarding TV channels, scholars have said that they show the pictures of scholars [Aalims] and picture taking and showing is haram in islam, I totally agree with them, but there are some rules regarding pictures, which have been made clear by Dr. Zakir Naik in his debates & lectures and Sheikh Abd al-wahhab al-turayri [former professor of al-imam university Riyadh] has also thrown some light on the rules regarding pictures in islam. I would like to quote some of the rules which they have told us in their lectures.

Its written in Sahi Bhukari and Sahi Muslim [Books of Ahadees], that whoever paints or portraits the picture of any living thing [humans, animals, plants] by his hand, will be told at the day of judgment to give them life, to make them alive, and if you failed to do this, you will be punished.

Those pictures which are used by childrens to play and to learn are allowed in islam, and its proof is one hadith of Sahi Muslim and Sahi Bhukari, in which Hazrat Aisha [razi allah tallah anha] says that I use to play with dolls along with my friends in front of Prophet Muhammad [PBUH], and He never stopped me.

Photography [by camera] is also not prohibited in islam, because the pictures taken out from camera are not made by hand, they are the reflections which we capture on paper, if this is prohibited then why we watch in Mirror ? that’s also the reflection. TV channels show the video, and video is nothing but just the pictures which are shown in speed i.e., 24 pictures per second and it looks like live scene.

Way of communication is changed now, there was a time when people use to walk from one city to other to post letters, but if we will do this thing now, we’ll be called fool, because we have the facility of automobiles, and we should use that. Today the best way of communication is Media [TV, Radio Fm], If our adults can copy the movie actors, to whom they watch on TV, if our womens can act and deliver same dialogues which they hear and see on Star Plus Serials, this proves that TV has got power to bring change in people. So if we will show Islamic Programs, Lectures and Debates of Famous Scholars, that surely can bring a change, not to all but atleast few muslims can become Good Muslims. By the help of TV we can tell the non muslims that what exactly ISLAM is, we can portray the correct image of ISLAM, we can prove all those people wrong who are spreading the wrong information in the name of Islam. Every invention has its benefits and disadvantages, but for the sake of some disadvantages we cannot stop using that invention, especially when we are getting a huge benefit from it.

Though our scholars are more educated than us but with sorry I want to say that the recent decision taken against Islamic TV Channels is wrong [In My View].

Mubashir Shaikh

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