Saturday, September 20, 2008

Why Pakistan is not Progressing Towards Advancements?

Why Pakistan is not progressing towards advancements? Its because Pakistan is suffering from large number of internal and external problems, [subcategorized as social, political and economic problems]. Internal problems are: Poor Education, Poverty and problems in government [Dictatorship]. External Implication [international concern] is the Excessive Growth. All the problems are connected with each other and their only solution is Education.

The greater loss which Pakistan is facing is in the area of Education. On examination of Pakistan’s overall literacy rate we come to know that only 37.8% are literate (50% for men and 24.4% for women), that means 61.2% are illiterate (50% male and 75.6% females). There are two causes of continuously decreasing literacy rate, (1) high population growth (2) No progress in the area of Education. Women are poorly educated about family planning and this has become the main reason for increased population and decreased literacy rate. Poorly educated population makes Pakistan a poor choice for the foreign investors that it so desperately needs.
Today, Pakistan is the 7th highest populated country in the world with the growth rate of 2.17, and it is predicated that by 2050 it will jump to the 3rd position. We can control the Excessive growth by education, awareness and by introducing some new laws, rules and regulations, like in china, where every couple is allowed to have only one baby.

Thus education is the only solution to the problems of Pakistan and to spread awareness, is the responsibility of every educated citizen.

Mubashir Shaikh


Anonymous said...

because pakistanis sux so how can suckerz progress?

Anonymous said...

Atleast someone makes sense.. Education is the most important tool to bring about a change !

Anonymous said...

^^lolz that numbskull copy-paste all his article frm Pro n gets more comments than Pro Pakistan!!

I salute u

Anonymous said...

Respected sir,

Fully agree with you. The measures I took were in the intended direction, and now Pakistan realises that. May god bless.

Pervez Musharraf,
Retd, President of Pakistan

Anonymous said...

sir G, i have not taken this article from, actually it Was ME who first posted this article at pro-pakistan, then on my personal blog.

Anonymous said...

Yes sir, I know you posted this on Pro-Pakistan first. It's your material. I was talking about Sanasaleem's website. Everything there is copied from Pro-Pakistan but it garners more comments than the original articles at Pro-Pakistan!!

I'm not Pakistani (or not Indian either if you may suspect) but I respect you for leaving your comment form open; i.e. no moderation. I rarely see it in Pakistani blogs/forums but it's always free and open in the Indian ones I've visited. Free speech is a key to success. You're one of the few who don't supress comments. I see you're trying to moot change in Pakistan. I wish you a great success. Keep up your good work!

Anonymous said...

sir kindly contact me at

Anonymous said...

reason being..

Anonymous said... to discussion here, whatever it may be unless it's really personal

Anonymous said...

it is personal, so please give me ur msn id, we will have chat there

Anonymous said...

Hi, I will email you if you request using your blogger id; i.e. by posting a logged in comment. Right now I cannot ascertain if you're actually mubashir, this blog's owner.

Anonymous said...

lolz, i am Mubashir, you can contact me at my id, which is written under every article/ letter on the blog